Tham khảo Ivan_V_của_Nga

  1. Biography of Tsar Ivan V the Ignorant of Russia (1666-1696), half-brother of Peter the Great
  2. Elman, Benjamin A (2007), Ming-Qing border defense, the inward turn of Chinese Cartography, and Qing expansion in Central Asia in the Eighteenth Century, in Diana Lary (ed.) Chinese State at the Borders. Univ. Wash. Press, pp. 29–56. [Ellman (2007: 47)].
  3. W Bruce Lincoln, 'The Conquest of a Continent',page 65, citing Akheograficheskaya Kommissia,'Dopolneniia k Aktam Istoricheskim', St Petersburg 1846-72, III, document 12, pp. 52-60
  4. W Bruce Lincoln, The Conquest of a Continent, 1994, p. 70
  5. Оксана Гайнутдинова (Oksana Gaynutdinova) Загадка Ачанского городка Archived August 13, 2007, at the Wayback Machine. (The mystery of Fort Achansk)
  6. Robert H. Felsing (1979). The Heritage of Han: The Gelaohui and the 1911 Revolution in Sichuan. University of Iowa. p. 18.
  7. Krausse, Alexis Sidney (1899). Russia in Asia: a record and a study, 1558-1899. G. Richards. pp. 330–31.
  8. J. Crull, M.D. The Ancient and Present State of Muscovy, vol. 2, London, 1698, p. 200
  9. Thompson, John. Russia and the Soviet Union: An Historical Introduction from the Kievan State to the Present. New Haven, CT; London: Westview Press, 2008 (paperback, ISBN 0-8133-4395-X).
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